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Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Specialized in Positive Psychology

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Importance of Physical Health in Subjective Well Being

Happiness contribute to our health and health contributes to our happiness.  The impact of subjective well being on physical health is shown in associations between happiness and longer life, lower susceptibility to disease and better recovery from illnesses. The influence of positive and negative emotions on immune system functioning undoubtedly plays a role in these relationships.  The state of our physical health also affects our level of happiness.  Illness and injury involve pain and distress, and may limit our opportunities to engage in pleasurable activities.  Negative emotions may increase and positive emotions may decrease as a result of illness.  However, physical health does not seem to have a straightforward relationship with subjective well being.  People with poor health also may have high subjective well being.  How people interpret the meaning and significance of their physical health status has much to do with the influence of health on happiness.